Radical Happiness Book

Get Sujata’s #1 Amazon KDP Bestselling book today and access all the tools to live your best and happiest self. 

Amazon KDP #1 in Happiness 

Amazon KDP #1 in Healthy Living

We all want to be happy. However, many people wander as if chasing a rainbow, not knowing the path. Sujata's Radical Happiness clearly shows the way. And it tells us that the road is not far away and it exists in our thoughts, in our hearts, and in our daily lives. Like fresh air, happiness is something we feel, breathe, enjoy, and need every day. On the road to that radical happiness, Sujata holds our hands every step of the way.

Sunny Istar Lee, Founder and Creator of Money Master Kids & Author of "Is Your Child a Money Master or a Money Monster?"

In a world full of distractions, one can easily get overwhelmed. But having the right mind set and taking courage each day to face whatever  the day brings, leads to joyful living and dispositions. Sujata's book is a must read. It provides important messages that one can learn on how to take day to day challenges into rejoicing. Happiness truly comes from within and indeed, happiness is a choice!

Jovelyn Larson, Lead Negotiator
Featured in Ellements Magazine | HP Magazine

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